Contact center AI - a call center agent's tale

Contact center AI - a call center agent's tale

Performance review in call centers has always been stressful - both for the managers as well as the agents. Now, that is changing.
John - Our Hero

John, a call center agent in a large BPO based in Salt Lake City is your regular Joe. He dials 100’s of calls every day for a fin-tech process and his highlight of the day is when someone picks up a call and spends a few minutes a day talking to him. His job is ok, gets decently paid and as any of his colleagues looks for his weekend to have a drink in a quaint place and thinks about what’s in store next week hoping he might be able to do better in his job.

Performance review coming up!

One of such weekend John is tensed; he has his monthly review next Thursday and he doesn’t have a clue on how his meeting would turn out. John thinks his review will depend on his manager having a good review meeting with his Director the previous afternoon and hopes it all goes well. Mr. John has no clue why he has to go through such tense moments 3rd week of each month, puts it on destiny and is already thinking how his beer will taste next weekend. He tells his friends and family that he has a stressful work environment and wants to try his hand in real estate as he thinks his uncle Ben seems to always have it easy.

Its Wednesday night, John is reading 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone' to his daughter Alice but is preoccupied, his wife asks him if everything is ok, and John is already thinking on finances and how long he can survive if his Thursday meeting goes bad.

The review meeting

At 2:30PM his meeting starts, and his manager Alex looks to be in an electric mood. He tells John that he should start taking more responsibilities and he will be considered for an Asst. manager’s role in the next review cycle and he should keep up his good work. They exchange an awkward hug and at 2:48PM, John gets back to his desk...relieved! He gets his favorite pinot noir for dinner and his wife asks him an ignorant question, honey… why were you so tensed last night when you are doing awesome. You should start taking it easy, its just a monthly meeting. John smiles...

Agent Assist - John's new Wingman

On his way to work the next day John starts thinking on much he misses school and his close friend Nathan. He decides to text Nathan to tell him about his potential promotion and check on what he is up-to.

<John> Hey buddy, what’s up… long time man, meet for a drink in the evening at Bethany’s?

<Nathan> Dude you work for ABC-Global right, I am actually coming there today for a meeting with Alex who is an Operations manager, lets step out post my meeting?

<John> Alex… bud he is my manager, why are you meeting him.

<Nathan> was about to call you last night, joined this company ‘’ and I am presenting to Alex our ‘Agent Assist’ product

<John> Agent Assist? What is that?

<Nathan> bud it’s like how we were... someone to watch your back, helps you when you really need someone on your side and makes you a ‘Superagent’

<John> so... you mean... what & how????

<Nathan> calm down man, will tell you when we meet but think about ‘Agent Assist’ as a buddy who appears on your desktop when you need him. He answers questions for you, tells you if your customer is upset, helps you solve problems for him in real time and also gives you insights on what did you do right or wrong on every call you take... A Wingman!

<John> what, wow? So, no lousy 3rd week each month and pathetic Wednesday’s?

<Nathan> you just wait and watch, its transformative & you will love it, see you in the evenings then

<John> you bet, will ask Alex if I can attend this meeting as-well, looks like a life saver

<Nathan> that will be awesome, love to have my buddy rooting for me! See you at 4:15 then

However fictional we at believe in democratizing the call center agent ecosystem. Every agent deserves to know how he has done on every call and does not need to have anxious Wednesdays and we have used deep learning and NLP to build an ‘voice AI’ platform to make every agent a Superagent.

About the Author: Sharath Keshavnarayana is the Chief Revenue Office at Observe.AI and has over a decade long experience in the customer care space.

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April 17, 2019